Peace Starts with ME

The world is rapidly changing and as a young person, trying to make a positive difference can seem an impossible task.

The Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders is a transformational leadership series that empowers the future generation of peacebuilders from around the world. Each year, the most outstanding delegates are nominated to represent their esteemed institution of higher learning at the Summit.

In the face of new global challenges, young people often feel they lack the resources and experience in the development of peace efforts. This inspirational opportunity will compel you to abandon your fears and confidently serve as an Ambassador for Peace.

“Peace Is At The Core Of Everything We Do – And Yet We Are Not Aware We Possess Such A Power. Once We Can Bring Peace To The Forefront Of Our Awareness, The World Will Surely Be Good, For We Will Lead Each Day With Peace Always In Our Mind And Heart.”

Secretary-General, Humanitarian Affairs Asia

By attending

the Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders:

You will come to realise the important role you play in the future of peacebuilding. You will gain the skills and confidence necessary to lead sustainable peace projects. You will form part of a global network of passionate and like-minded individuals who believe in a more inclusive and peaceful world. Emerge as a Peace Champion for the Future by joining us at the Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok.

Kanlayakorn Grace Clarke

Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

Being part of the Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders was a splendid opportunity for me to learn a plethora of eye-opening information. At the summit, I was given the opportunity to Throughout the Summit, I listened to speakers that gave enlightening speeches on the topic of peace-building and sustainability. as well as part-takeI also took part in group discussions and think of initiatives for peace-making with delegates from all over the globe to brainstorm initiatives for peacemaking. Despite lasting three short days, this event left me with an impression of hope that will last me a lifetime.

One of my highlights was able to understand the war happenings in a neighbouring country. I distinctly remember Miss Ms Ly’s speech about her time during the war in Cambodia. It brought me to tears learning about the genocide that occurred in our neighbouring country. A remark that still holds dear to my heart is ” it’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness “.

In addition to the enlightening presentations, the Peace Summit allowed me the opportunity to exchange ideas and connect with like-minded people from all over the world. Having the ability to converse with a diverse group of people who shared my passions, goals, and dreams was gratifying and encouraging. The Peace Summit certainly gave me hope for my generation and the future that we will build together through peace, patience, and kindness.